Books I read in 2014 / by Grey Gallinger

2014 is quickly approaching its close, which means it's time to take a look around at the empty chip bags and dust off the cat hair to reveal the piles of books I claim to have read over the last twelve months.

Though what I noticed this year is that the number of audiobooks outweighed the number of dead trees.

So I suppose this is in reality a list of the books I read and/or listened to throughout 2014.

I've also come to notice over the course of compiling these lists that I have little patience for bad literature. I rarely read through an entire book that I don't like, so te majority of the list is of books I quite enjoyed. Though there are a few stinkers among the otherwise satisfying list.

So here it is in alphabetical order.

Revolution - Russel Brand

Failed States: a Lecture - Noam Chomsky

Is There Hope in This Desperate Time? - Noam Chomsky

The Militarization of Science and Space - Noam Chomsky

Necessary Illusions - Noam Chomsky

On Anarchism - Noam Chomsky

On Democracy, Independence and Peace: what are the prospects? - Noam Chomsky

Problems of Knowledge and Freedom - Noam Chomsky

Understanding Power - Noam Chomsky

What We Say Goes - Noam Chomsky

Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition (Indigenous Americas) - Glen Sean Coulthard

Queering Anarchism: Addressing and Undressing Power and Desire - Edited by C.B Daring, J. Rogue, Deric Shannon, and Abbey Volcano

The World Until Yesterday - Jared Diamond

This Time We Went Too Far - Norman Finkelstein

What Gandhi Says - Norman Finkelstein

War, Geopolitics and History - Robert Fisk

From Beirut to Jerusalem - Thomas Freidman

Anarchism and Other Essays - Emma Goldman

The Exception to the Rulers - Amy Goodman

No Place to Hide - Glenn Greenwald

The Autobiography of Malcom X - Alex Haley

This Changes Everything - Naomi Klein

Photojournalism: The Professionals’ Approach - Kenneth Kobre

Drift - Rachel Maddow

The Day the World Ended - Joseph Marshall

Armed Madhouse - Greg Palast

Pay Any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War - James Risen

Dancing On Our Turtles Back - Leanne Betasamosake Simpson

Islands of Decolonial Love - Leanne Betasamosake Simpson

The Divid - Matt Taibbi

Malcolm X: The Last Speeches - Malcolm X