Branching Out / by Grey Gallinger


I'm currently sitting in a stuffy hotel room 12 hours due south of Winnipeg, in Lincoln, Nebraska. I'm here for the Winnipeg Goldeyes four game stretch against the Lincoln Saltdogs, shooting photos as a freelance gig for the Winnipeg Free Press.

Tonight was the last game, Winnipeg suffered a tough loss to cap off their 10 game road trip, coming home with an 8-2 record. Not too bad really.


This trip is my first real forray into sports photography, as well as working within a tight deadline. Over the course of four days I've shot somewhere around 4,000 photos, a mix of portraits, candids, and action shots. The 40mm that's usually permanently mounted to my 5D Mark II has been replaced by a 200mm f/2.8. Instead of wide angles, immense depths of field, and black & white urban landscapes, my camera has been narrowly focused on pitchers and batters and moments caught at 1/8000th of a second. My dimly lit apartment that acts as my studio has been replaced by the press box at Haymarket Park.


Needless to say the whole experience has been new to me. I've made some mistakes, but I've learned a bunch. I've taken some shots I'm proud of, and have had more photos published in a week than I've ever had published before.

Now I'm looking forward to getting home. Lincoln's been a blast, but it's hot, I'm running out of clean laundry, and my cat is probably getting lonely.